Marketing Idea No. 174 – How retailers can act like doctors

Here are two new world orders to chew upon.

1. The power is shifting from the hand of the manufacturer to the hand of the retailer

2. Organized retail is the next big marketing frontier

WIth great power comes great responsibility and even greater influence. Just ask the customers of Walmart and Blockbuster entertainment.

Wal-mart and Blockbuster entertainment are two of the biggest retailers in their category. In recent times they have forced manufacturers to change their products by simply refusing to carry them. Wal-mart will not carry any magazine that does not contain family friendly content. Thats why magazines like Cosmopolitan and Vibe send their magazine prints before hitting the stand just to ensure that Wal-mart wouldnt refuse to carry them. And with 25% share of US home rental video / CD / DVD, Blockbuster ensures that movie studios make two versions of the same movie. One that is released in the theater and one family friendly version that is distributed in DVD.

With that in mind, i propose that organized retail in Bangladesh can take a more proactive role in dealing with customers. By not simply carrying the merchandise, they can recommend the customers based on their wants and needs, which brands to choose. Their role will be more like the doctors, not like the shopkeeper carrying the medicine.

This way super shops like Agora, PQS can add more value, put pressure on manufacturers to increase their brand strength, ensure better customer experience and most importantly differentiate themselves from other super shops.